1000+ Solved Advanced Computer Science MCQ – Quiz Preparation

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The Advance Computer Science MCQs help you prepare for the Competitive exam and Master’s level Degrees exams like Software Engineering, BSCS, BSIT, MCS, and Computer System Engineering MCQs are available courses that provide more insight into computer science. It is essential to practice as much as possible before taking any CS Exams to know what topics to study.

Computer Science MCQ Topics

1. C++ MCQs Question With Answers
2. Data Communication MCQs
3. Advanced Object Oriented MCQs
4. Data Structure & Algorithms MCQs
5. Assembly Language MCQs
6. Machine Learning Quiz
7. Theory Of Automata MCQs
8. Artificial Intelligence MCQs
9. Web Programming MCQs
10. Digital Logic Design MCQs
11. Cloud Computing Quiz
12. Data Structures & Algorithms MC
13. Computer Networks MCQs
Computer Science MCQ

1. C++ MCQs Question With Answers

C++ is an object-oriented programming language. C++ MCQs Questions With Answers covers the topics:

  • Overview
  • Global Variables
  • Operators and Control Flow Statements
  • Classes and Structures
  • Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interfaces
  • Pointers and Arrays, Strings
  • Streams, and Exceptions
  • Memory Management
  • References. Operator Overloading
  • Preprocessor Directives.

2. Data Communication MCQs

Data Communication Solved Computer Science MCQ Consists of the given Below Topics

  • Introduction to Data Communication
  • Physical Topologies & Network Categories
  • Introduction to Protocols & Standards
  • The OSI Model TCP/IP Protocol Suite
  • Analog Signals
  • Digital Signals
  • Multiplexing
  • Spread Spectrum Techniques
  • Guided Transmission Media
  • Unguided Transmission Media
  • Wireless Transmission Waves
  • Ethernet Standard
  • IEEE 802 Working Group
  • LLC & Layer 2 Frame
  • Layer 2 addresses & Mac table
  • Switching
  • IPv4 logical Addressing
  • Classful Addressing
  • Classless Addressing
  • Network Address Translation
  • IPv6
  • Translation from IPv4 to IPv6
  • ICMP
  • IGMP
  • Forwarding
  • Unicast Routing Protocol
  • Multicast Routing Protocol
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
  • Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Firewall Quizzes.

3. Advanced Object Oriented MCQs

Advanced Object Oriented MCQs On Java Programming Recap and Introduction to JEE Platform, Recap of Computer Science MCQ

  • Java Programming Fundamentals
  • Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals.
  • Introducing Java Platform
  • Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 7 and its implementation Glassfish server
  • Java EE architecture and benefits.
  • GUI Programming
  • Transforms
  • Applying Tooltips

4. Data Structure & Algorithms MCQs

Data Structure and Algorithms MCQs on Given Topics

  • Data Structures
  • Abstract Data Types, and Applications
  • Analysis Tools
  • Experimental Analysis
  • Asymptotic Notation
  • Asymptotic Analysis
  • Lists (Singly Linked List Doubly Linked List)
  • Stacks Stacks
  • Queues
  • Trees Foundations
  • Tree Traversals
  • Binary Trees
  • Binary Search Trees
  • BST Analysis
  • Balanced Binary Trees
  • AVL Trees
  • Red-Black Trees (optional) Hash Tables:
  • Hash Functions
  • Hash Tables, Chaining
  • Open Addressing
  • Priority Queues
  • Heaps
  • Binary Heaps
  • HeapSort
  • Sorting
  • Insertion Sort,
  • Selection Sort,
  • Merge sort,
  • Quicksort, Bucket-Sort, Radix-Sort (optional)
  • Data Compression
  • Huffman Coding
  • Tries
  • Standard,
  • Compressed,
  • Suffix Tries
  • Data Structures for Graphs
  • Depth First Search
  • Breadth-First Search
  • Weighted Graphs
  • Minimum Spanning Trees
  • Topological Sort
  • Directed Graphs
  • Connected Components
  • Shortest-Path Algorithms
  • Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  • Network Flow Problem,
  • Advanced DS: Distributed Hash Tables
  • Bloom Filters
  • Memory Locality
  • Parallel Algorithms

5. Assembly Language MCQs

Assembly Language MCQs On The Topics of

  • Introduction to Registers and Flags
  • Addressing Modes,
  • Introduction to Assembly Language
  • 80×86 families
  • Program Layout
  • Data Definitions
  • Basic Instructions
  • Unsigned Arithmetic
  • Logic and Bit Operations
  • Modules
  • Separate Assembly
  • Argument Passing, Libraries
  • Combining Assembly and C Code
  • String Instructions
  • Arrays, Macros
  • Structures, Floating Point Instructions
  • Bit MS-DOS
  • BIOS Disk Accessing
  • BIOS Keyboard/Video/Graphics
  • Interrupts; TSR Programs
  • Accessing I/O Ports; 8253 Timer

6. Machine Learning Quiz

Topics Machine learning Quiz on Kernel Method includes background and history of machine learning,

  • Futuristic approach
  • Regression, types of regressions
  • Regularization
  • Classification
  • Types of classification algorithms
  • Unsupervised learning algorithms
  • Model Evaluation and Validation methods
  • Application of machine learning
  • Challenges in the field

7. Theory Of Automata MCQs

Theory of Automata and Formal Languages MCQs on All Topics which are given

  • What do automata means
  • Introduction to languages
  • Alphabets Strings and Defining Languages
  • Kleene Star Closure
  • Recursive definition of languages
  • Regular Expression,
  • Recursive definition of Regular Expression(RE)
  • Method 3 (Regular Expressions)
  • Equivalent Regular Expressions, Method 4 (Finite Automaton,
  • Equivalent FAs
  • FA corresponding to finite languages
  • Method 5 (Transition Graph)
  • Examples of TGs: accepting all strings, accepting none
  • starting with b, not ending in b, containing aa
  • containing aa or bb
  • Generalized Transition Graphs
  • Nondeterminism
  • Kleene’s Theorem
  • Proof (Kleene’s Theorem Part II)
  • Kleene’s Theorem Part II,
  • Nondeterministic Finite Automaton
  • Converting an FA to an equivalent NFA
  • NFA with Null String, NFA, and Kleene’s Theorem
  • NFA corresponding to the Concatenation of FAs
  • NFA corresponding to the Closure of an FA
  • Memory required to recognize a language,
  • Distinguishable strings and Indistinguishable strings
  • Finite Automaton with output,
  • Moore machine
  • Mealy machine
  • Equivalent machines
  • Regular languages
  • Complement of a language
  • Nonregular languages
  • Pumping Lemma
  • umping Lemma version II
  • Pseudo theorem
  • Decidability
  • CFG terminologies

8. Artificial Intelligence MCQs

Artificial Intelligence MCQs On

  • AI introduction
  • What is AI
  • The Foundations of AI
  • History of AI
  • Problem-Solving
  • Searching for Solutions
  • Types of Search Strategies
  • Uninformed Search,
  • Breadth-First Search,
  • Depth-First Search,
  • Iterative Deepening
  • Functions
  • Local Search Algorithms and Optimization Problems
  • Adversarial Search:
  • Minmax Algo,
  • Alpha Beta Pruning
  • Introduction to Reasoning and Knowledge Representation
  • Propositional Logic
  • Rules of Inferences
  • First Order logic

9. Web Programming MCQs

Web programming MCQs for Exam Preparation Consists On MCQs.

  • Developing Front End Applications
  • Front-End Development Tools
  • HTML, DHTML, Scripting (JavaScript)
  • Java Applets, and ActiveX

10. Digital Logic Design MCQs

Digital Logic Design MCQs – Quiz Questions Cover the Topics

  • Number Systems MCQs
  • Number Systems And Codes MCQs
  • Logic Gates
  • Digital Circuits And Operational Characteristics
  • Boolean Algebra And Logic Simplification
  • Karnaugh Map And Boolean Expression Simplification
  • Comparator
  • Counter
  • Adder
  • Subtractor
  • Encoder
  • Decoder
  • Multiplexer
  • De-Multiplexers-R Latch
  • Flip-Flops
  • shift Registers
  • Memory
  • Analog To Digital Converters
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