Data Structure and Algorithms MCQs Online Test

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Data Structure and Algorithms MCQs on Data Structures, Abstract Data Types, and Applications , Analysis Tools, Experimental Analysis, Asymptotic Notation, Asymptotic Analysis, Arrays , Arrays, Lists (Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List), Stacks Stacks, Queues , Trees, Foundations, Tree Traversals, Binary Trees , Binary Search Trees (BST): Basics, BST Analysis . Balanced Binary Trees, AVL Trees , Red-Black Trees (optional) Hash Tables: Hash Functions, Hash Tables, Chaining, Open Addressing , Priority Queues, Binary Heaps , Heaps, Binary Heaps, HeapSort , Sorting, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge sort , Quicksort, Bucket-Sort, Radix-Sort (optional) , Data Compression, Huffman Coding , Tries , Standard, Compressed, Suffix Tries , Data Structures for Graphs , Depth First Search, Breadth First Search , Weighted Graphs: Minimum Spanning Trees, Topological Sort , Directed Graphs, Connected Components , Shortest-Path Algorithms, Dijkstra’s Algorithm , Network Flow Problem, Advanced DS: Distributed Hash Tables ,Bloom Filters, Memory Locality, Parallel Algorithms

Data Structure and Algorithms MCQs
Data Structure and Algorithms MCQs

Data Structure and Algorithms MCQs

If s = 67 is an integer variable and its address is saved in pointer variable t. In how many ways we can display value of p.
A. cout<<*s
B. cout<<t
C. cout<<*t
D. None of above
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Answer : C

Which of the following statement(s) about a pointer variable is/are FALSE.
A. Pointer variable has ability to save both the data and address
B. Pointer variable saves address only
C. Pointer variable saves data only
D. Both A and C
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Answer : D

Consider the following code. What will be the output.
int *ptr
int x[2] = {56, 57}
ptr = &x[1] cout<<*(ptr) + 2 << *(ptr – 1).
A. 57, 56
B. 57, 57
C. 59, 56
D. 56, 57
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Answer : C

What will the output of following code.
void main()
int a; /*Suppose address of a is 2048 */
int *b = &a
a = 10
*b = *b * 3
cout<<“value of a=”<<a<<”value by pointer is =”<<*b
A. 30 30
B. 30 10
C. 10 10
D. 10 30
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Answer : A

What will be the output of following code.
int i = 10, j = 15
int *p = &i
j = *p + 4
cout<<*p + j.
A. 15
B. 9
C. 24
D. None of above
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Answer : C

Which operator are considered while computing cost of an algorithm.
A. Addition (+) operator
B. Assignment (=) operator
C. Comparison (==) operator
D. Both A and C
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Answer : D

Consider following algorithm. What will be its cost? Assume IF condition is TRUE.
s = a * d
IF (s != 0 and b == 9)
j = j – 2 + s;
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 5
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Answer : D

Compute the cost of following code. Assume IF condition is TRUE. Also add the cost when FOR loop is terminated.
FOR (i = 2 to 17)
IF (s == i)
answer = 0.
A. 20
B. 21
C. 10
D. 33
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Answer : D

What will be the cost of following group of statements.
a = 65 + a % 3
s = a * 3
PRINT s + 9.
A. 6
B. 3
C. 4
D. All of above
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Answer : C

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Can we swap the values of two pointer variable without using third variable.
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Answer : A

Which of the following code multiply the numbers of the array a[10] having some integer values.
A. s = 1
for (i = 0; i <= 9 i++)
s = a[i] * a{i+1] B. s = 0
for (i = 0; i <= 9 i++)
s = s * a[i] C. s = 1
for (i =0; i <= 9 i++)
s = s * a[i] D. None of above
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Answer : C

Consider an array arr[5] and a pointer variable ptr. Which of the following C statement about saving address of last location of array in pointer is correct.
A. ptr = arr
B. ptr = &arr[3] C. ptr = arr[5] D. ptr = &arr[4] View Answer

Answer : D

Which of the following is the major advantage of arrays over link list?
A. Arrays have contiguous locations while link list is collection of non-contiguous nodes
B. Arrays has limited space for storing objects as compared to link list
C. Arrays has single name as compared with link list
D. Both A and C
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Answer : D

How do you initialize a character array in C.
A. char arr[5] = (“array”)
B. char arr(5) = {“array”}
C. char arr[5] = “array”
D. char arr(5) = (a, r, r, a, y)
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Answer : C

Assuming float is of 4 bytes, what is the size of float arr[15].
A. 10 bytes
B. 15 bytes
C. 50 bytes
D. 30 bytes
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Answer : C

In link list, the elements are accessed in ______ order.
A. Ascending order
B. Sequential order
C. Random order
D. Both A and B
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Answer : B

In stack which operation is used to delete an element from the top.
A. Push operation
B. Delete operation
C. Pop operation
D. None of above
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Answer : B

Which of the following operations can be applied on Binary Tree.
A. Delete the node
B. Insert the node
C. Traverse the tree
D. All of above
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Answer : D

Which of the sorting algorithm works better on sorting the array having the elements in opposite order.
A. Quick Sort
B. Binary Search
C. Insertion Sort
D. Selection Sort
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Answer : A

Which of the following is NOT the searching algorithm.
A. Insertion sort
B. Selection sort
C. Quick sort
D. All of above
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Answer : D

The bubble sort algorithms works on which of the following techniques.
A. It compares the adjacent elements throughout the array and swaps them if they are in wrong order
B. It sorts the array by repeatedly finding the minimum element and place in its exact position
C. It sorts the array by dividing the array and then merge these elements by placing then in correct order
D. None of above
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Answer : A

How many times the loop will run, also include when loop terminates.
for (j = 43 to 16)
j = j + 2.
A. 14 times
B. 15 times
C. 16 times
D. 43 times
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Answer : B

Which of the data structure works in LIFO order.
A. Stacks
B. Queues
C. Arrays
D. Link list
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Answer : A

Deleting an element from an empty queue, then queue becomes.
A. Overflow
B. Crash
C. Underflow
D. All of above
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Answer : C

If the elements ‘I’, ‘J’, ‘M’ and ‘N’ are inserted in a stack and are removed one by one, what will be the order of the elements that were removed.
A. I J M N
B. N M I J
C. N M J I
D. N J I M
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Answer : C

In data structure, the queue uses ____ operation to insert element.
A. Enqueue
B. Push
C. Dequeue
D. None of above
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Answer : A

Number of comparison needed to sort 10 elements using Bubble Sort are
A. 20
B. 30
C. 80
D. 45
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Answer : D

What are the properties of multi graphs.
A. The graphs having multiple edges only
B. The graphs having disconnected vertices
C. The graphs having loops on the vertices
D. None of above
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Answer : A

Every tree is a graph but every graph is not a tree. True or False.
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Answer : A

In graphs, cyclic path is defined as.
A. Sequences of vertices from one vertex to other vertex with no repeating vertex
B. Sequences of vertices from one vertex to other vertex with repeating vertex
C. A subset of the edges making a path such that the first node of the path corresponds to the last
D. None of above
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Answer : C

Adjacency matrix is used to represent ________ in computer system.
A. Link list.
B. Array.
C. Graph.
D. Both A and B.
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Answer : C

What is the difference between Graph and Tree.
A. Graph may have cyclic path but tree must not have cyclic path
B. Graph may have some disconnected vertices but tree must have all vertices connected
C. Graph must have two child nodes at every node
D. Both A and B
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Answer : D

Maximum height of nodes in binary tree of height h are.
A. 3h + 1
B. 2h + 1
C. 2h – 1
D. 2h
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Answer : C

What is the correct order of Pre-order traversal of Binary tree
A. Right subtree, left subtree, root
B. Left subtree, Right subtree, root
C. Root, Left subtree, Right subtree
D. Left subtree, Root, Right subtree
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Answer : C

Which of the following is the postfix notation of (A + B) * C.
A. ABC*+
B. AB*C+
C. AB+C*
D. *+ABC
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Answer : C

Which of the following is the correct representation of A + B * C/ (E -F) in to prefix.
A. +A/*BC-EF-
B. +AB*C-EF/
C. +AB-EF*C/
D. None of above
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Answer : A

Which traversal of BST gives the root at the start of traversal.
A. Post order
B. Pre-Order
C. Depth First
D. Inorder
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Answer : B

Which data structure is used to save the visited vertices in the procedure of Depth First Search (DFS) of tree or graph.
A. Stack
B. Queue
C. Array
D. Both A and C
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Answer : A

What is the cost of following code? Also include the cost when for loop terminates.
for (j = 10 to 5) //suppose increment is 1
A. 5
B. 9
C. 6
D. 11
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Answer : C

What is the cost of following code? Also include the cost when for loop terminates.
for (j = 98 to 1)
j = j – 2
A. 98
B. 100
C. 49
D. 50
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Answer : D

Which of the following are disadvantages of using link list.
A. Slow insertion and deletion
B. Memory wastage
C. Quick access
D. Both A and B
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Answer : A

What are the disadvantages of pointer variables.
A. Memory wastage
B. Unallocated pointer variables may cause problem
C. Adjacent location of nodes in memory
D. Both A and B
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Answer : D

If character takes 2 bytes of memory, what will be the maximum positive value stored in integer.
A. 127
B. 128
C. 129
D. -127
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Answer : A

Assigning float type address to integer type pointer will give
A. Compile error
B. Run time error
C. Syntax error
D. None of above
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Answer : A

If we add and integer and a float data, and store the sum in an integer variable, what will happen.
A. Overflow
B. Underflow
C. Memory wastage
D. Syntax error
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Answer : A

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