Invertebrates Solved MCQs Questions

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1. Protozoa are mostly ?

A. Prokaryotic in Nature
B. Eukaryotic in Nature
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

2.Skin gills in starfish play role in ?

A. locomotion
B. thermoregulation
C. osmoregulation
D. gas exchange and excretion

3. Ampulla contract and force fluid into ?

A. Suckers
B. Podia
C. Radial canal
D. Stone canal

4. Which class of Echinoderm lack Arms ?

A. Asteroidea
B. Ophiuroidea
C. Echinoidea
D. Crinoidea

5. Body surface is usually covered with moveable spines ?

A. Crinoidea
B. Asteroidea
C. Ophiuroidea
D. Echinoidea

6. The examples of Echinoidea are ?

A. Sea urchins
B. Sand Dollars
C. Sea Biscuits
D. All of these

7. Which one of the following group of Porifera is primarly shallow water and tropical ?

A. Calcarea
B. Hexactinellida
C. Demospongia
D. none

8. The group of Porifera considered as “glass sponges” is ?

A. Calcarea
B. Hexactinellida
C. Demospongia
D. none

9. The group of Porifera having siliceous 6-rayed spicules are ?

A. Calcarea
B. Hexactinellida
C. Demospongia
D. none

10. Phylum Porifera includes are all ?

A. sessile
B. non sessile
C. motile
D. none

Invertebrates Solved MCQs Questions

11. Skeletal elements of Phylum Porifera’s animals consist of ?

A. Calcium carbonate
B. Silicon dioxide
C. Mucopolysaccaride
D. a and b both

12. In the structural conditions of sponges, leucon has ?

A. One main chamber of choanocyte
B. Two chambers of choanocyte
C. Multiple layers of choanocytes chambers
D. None of these

13. In the food capturing by choanocytes, beating of flagellum creates________ inside collar ?

A. Negative pressure.
B. Positive pressure
C. Has no effect produce inside collar
D. May be positive may be negative

14. In Phylum Porifera, beating of flagellum draws food to outside of mucus covered _____ of collar ?

A. Villi
B. Microvilli
C. Food vacuole
D. None of these

15. Phylum Porifera considered to be plants untill ?

a. 1868
b. 1794
c. 1996
d. 1765

16. Function of amoebocytes ?

A. Store food
B. Transport wastes
C. Control of flow rate
D. All

17. Phylum Porifera’s diversity consist of major groups ?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

18. In porifera sperms enter chaonocytes and loses ____ ?


A. Digits
B. Tail
C. Hands
D. Feet

19. In porifera the larvae released with flagellated cells on _____ ?

A. Outside
B. Inside
C. Laterally
D. Ventrally

20. Sponges are over harvested in ?

A. france
B. spain
C. Greece
D. Japan

21. Sponges have toxic _____ metabolites within spherulous cells ?

A. primary
B. secondary
C. primay and secondary
D. none

22. Newly developed pinacoderms derived from micromere ?

A. Yes
B. No

23. In sponges both egg and sperm are spawned in water column ?

A. Yes
B. No

24. In sponges dissolved carbon dioxide is swept out the osculum via ?

A. Duffusion
B. Water currents
C. Vesicles
D. Sense organs

25. Gas exchange in annelids occurs across ?

A. Body wall
B. Appendages
C. Gills
D. All of these

26. In the food capturing by choanocytes, beating of flagellum creates ________ inside collar ?

A. Negative pressure.
B. Positive pressure
C. Has no effect produce inside collar
D. May be positive may be negative

27. Which sensory organ of annelids is “useful to burrowers” ?

A. Nuchal organ
B. Ocelli
C. Statocysts
D. None of these

28. Which of the following is the function of tubes in annelids ?

A. Protection
B. Hiding out
C. Digestion
D. Both A and B

29. Polychaeta means ?

A. Many chaetae
B. Segments
C. Appendages
D. Many cilia

30. Beard worms live deep in oceans typically near ?

A. Hydrothermal vent
B. Deep sea vent
C. None of these
D. All of these

31. polychaeta posses appendages called ?

A. ocelli
B. Parapodia
C. Nephrostome
D. Antennae

32. Impulses travel up to — faster than neurons of average diameter in annelids ?

A. 20X
B. 40X
C. 60X
D. 25X

33. In annelids typical unicellular receptors distributed on ?

A. head, body
B. head, body and appendages
C. head and body and nerve
D. only appendages

34. Nephridiophore opens to—- of animals ?

A. dorsal
B. interior
C. exterior
D. ventral

35. Coelomic cavity may be lined with— containing chlorogogen cells ?

A. prothelium
B. mesothelium
C. metathelium
D. both a and b

36. which of the following is not a class of Platyhelminthes ?

A. Turbellaria
B. Trematoda
C. Cestoda
D. Round worms

37. There is incredible power of regenration in ?

A. Aschelminthes
B. Platyhelminthes
C. protozoans
D. Annelids

38. phylum Platyhelminthes consists of classes ?

A. 5
B. 4
C. 6
D. 9

39. Sea stars are believed to share a common evolutionary history with phylum ?

A. Annelida
B. Arthropoda
C. Echinodermata
D. Chordata

40. Ampulla contract and force fluid into ?

A. Suckers
B. Podia
C. Radial canal
D. Stone canal

41: Which structures at tip of podia come into contact with substrate ?

A. Suckers
B. Ampulla
C. Rectal cacae
D. All of these

42: Podia contract by forcing water back into ?

A. Ostia
B. Suckers
C. Ampulla
D. None of these

43: Echinoderms prey on ?

A. Oysters
B. Clams
C. Sea food
D. All of these

44. Asexual reproduction in sea stars takes place by ?

A. Binary fission
B. Regeneration
C. Budding
D. Parthenogenesis

45. The endoskeleton in echinoderms is made up of ?

A. Calcareous plates
B. Mucous plates
C. Protienaceous plates
D. none of these

46. Phylum Porifera’s diversity consist of major groups ?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

47. Which one of the following group of Porifera is primarly shallow water and tropical ?

A. Calcarea
B. Hexactinellida
C. Demospongia
D. none

48. The group of Porifera considered as “glass sponges” is ?

A. Calcarea
B. Hexactinellida
C. Demospongia
D. none

49. Skeletal elements of Phylum Porifera’s animals consist of ?

A. Calcium carbonate
B. Silicon dioxide
C. Mucopolysaccaride
D. a and b both

50. Main large exit found in Phylum Porifera’s members is called ?

A. Porocyte
B. Ostia
C. Osculum
D. none

51._____ provide water current by beating its flagellum ?

A. Amoebocytes
B. Choanocytes
C. Pinacocytes
D. None

52. Main chamber which is lined with choanocytes ?

A. Ascon
B. Sycon
C. Leucon
D. None

53. In the structural conditions of sponges, leucon has ?

A. One main chamber of choanocyte
B. Two chambers of choanocyte
C. Multiple layers of choanocytes chambers
D. None of these

54. In the food capturing by choanocytes, beating of flagellum creates ________ inside collar ?

A. Negative pressure.
B. Positive pressure
C. Has no effect produce inside collar
D. May be positive may be negative

55. In Phylum Porifera, beating of flagellum draws food to outside of mucus covered _____ of collar ?

A. Villi
B. Microvilli
C. Food vacuole
D. None of these

56. Food captured by Choanocytes is moved via ________ ?

A. Flagella
B. Cilia
C. both A snd B
D. None of these

57. In Porifera, Ostia is an opening through which ____________?

A. Waters enters into the sponges
B. Wather leaves the sponges
C. It is series of small openings
D. Both A and C

58. The excretory organ of annelids are ?

A. Flame cells
B. Nephrostomes
C. Nephiridia
D. None of these

59. Beard worms live deep in oceans typically near ?

A. Hydrothermal vent
B. Deep sea vent
C. None of these
D. All of these

60. Bloodworms capture prey with extremely long eversible ?

A. Pharynx
B. Larynx
C. Cirri
D. None of these

61. In Annelida, dorsal and ventral blood vessels are connected by ?

A. Heart
B. Capillary beds
C. Capillaries
D. Muscle

62. Gas exchange occurs across ?

A. Body wall
B. Appendages
C. Gills
D. All of these

63. In excretory system of Annelida, segmented nephridia is ?

A. Single
B. Paired
C. Many
D. None of these

64. In Annelida, free swimming larva is produced called ?

A. Madreporite
B. Bipinnaria
C. Branchiolaria
D. Trochophore

65. In Annelida, blood is pumped by ?

A. Vessels
B. Muscle contraction
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

66. phylum Platyhelminthes consists of classes ?

A. 5
B. 4
C. 6
D. 9

67. There is incredible power of regenration in ?

A. Aschelminthes
B. Platyhelminthes
C. protozoans
D. Annelids

68. which of the following PlatyhelmintheS have complex life cycles ?

A. All species
B. Parasitic species
C. both
D. None of these

69. Platyhelminthes are also known as ?

A. Round worms
B. flatworms
C. Earthworms
D. none of these

70. Some species of platyhelminthes have _ that captures food and transport it into mouth ?

A. Protusible Larynx
B. Oesophagus
C. Trachea
D. Protusiblephrynx

71._ _ have the first true excretory system ?

A .Flatworm
B. Cnidaria
C. Mollusks
D. protozoas

72. Flame cells is the characteristic property of ?

A. Cnidaria
B. Flatworm
C. Protozoan
D. Mullusks

73. Protists are mostly in Nature ?


A. Autotrophs
B. Heterotrophs
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

74. Free Swimming Body covered in Cilia are Called ?

A. Paramecium
B. Amoeba
C. Euglena

75. Protozoa are mostly ?

A. Prokaryotic in Nature
B. Eukaryotic in Nature
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

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