Solved Introduction to Statistics MCQs – Quiz Preparation

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This article provides an introduction to Statistics MCQs – Multiple Choice Questions. It covers an overview of Statistics, the types of MCQs, the importance of studying Statistics, the best strategies for successfully answering Statistics MCQs & tips for finding the best online resources for Statistics MCQs. With this comprehensive guide, you will be able to master the basics of Statistics and prepare for any upcoming exams. With the help of the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you will be able to Pass Successfully your next Statistics exam and achieve success.

Introduction to Statistics MCQs

1. The data which has undergone any statistical treatment are.
A. Primary data
B. Secondary data
C. Discrete data
D. Qualitative data
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Secondary data

2. A non-measurable quantity is.
A. Discrete
B. Continuous
C. Qualitative
D. None
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3. Simple bar chart consists of.
A. Circular region
B. Bars of equal width
C. Adjacent rectangles
D. All of these
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Bars of equal width

4. If y1=2, y2=3, y3=5 then is equal to.
A. Zero
B. 30
C. -10
D. 10
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5. A part of population is called.
A. Statistic
B. Parameter
C. Sample
D. Variable
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6. Census returns are.
A. Primary data
B. Secondary data
C. Quantitative data
D. True data
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Secondary data

7. A quantity calculated from a population is called.
A. Frequency
B. Statistic
C. Parameter
D. Sample
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8. The life of television tube is a.
A. Continuous variable
B. Class-frequency
C. Cumulative frequency
D. Class-interval
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Continuous variable

9. The numbers of registered students in IUB are.
A. Discrete data
B. Continuous data
C. Quantitative data
D. Infinite data
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Discrete data

10. In plural sense, statistics means.
A. Methodology
B. Numerical data
C. Sample values
D. Population values
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Sample values

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11. Statistics deals with facts which can be measured.
A. Numerically
B. Accurately
C. Precisely
D. Analytically
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12. A numerical characteristic of a sample is called.
A. Statistic
B. Parameter
C. Variable
D. Sample
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13. A variable that assume only some selected values in a range is called.
A. Continuous variable
B. Qualitative variable
C. Discrete variable
D. Quantitative variable
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Continuous variable

14. A value which does not change from one individual to another individual is called.
A. Constant
B. Variable
C. Statistic
D. Both A & B
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15. Total group under discussion is called.
A. Sample
B. Population
C. Subset
D. None
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16. The number of chairs in a room is an example of ……… variable.
A. Quantitative
B. Continuous
C. Fixed
D. Discrete
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17. A variable which takes countable values is called a ……… variable.
A. Continuous
B. Constant
C. Discrete
D. Attribute
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18. A quantity computed from sample is called.
A. Parameter
B. Statistic
C. Constant
D. Population
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19. Height of a plant is ……… variable.
A. Qualitative
B. Discrete
C. Continuous
D. Attribute
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20. A numerical value used as a summary measure for a sample, such as a sample mean, is known as a.
A. Population Parameter
B. Sample Parameter
C. Sample Statistic
D. Population Mean
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Sample Statistic

21. If ß1=0 then distribution is said to be __.
A. Symmetrical
B. Skewed
C. Leptokurtic
D. Platykurtic
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22. If ß2=3.25 then distribution is said to be __.
A. Symmetrical
B. Skewed
C. Leptokurtic
D. Platykurtic
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23. If n->8 and p->0 then binomial distribution is said to be __.
A. Binomial
B. Hypergeometric
C. Poisson
D. All of these
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24. Favourable outcomes in hyper-geometric distribution is denoted by _.
A. K
B. n
C. N
D. All
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25. Which mean moment is equal to variance.
A. M1
B. M2
C. M3
D. M4
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26. In binomial distribution total probability is equal to.
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
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27. A chance variation in an observational process is.
A. Random error
B. sampling error
D. a& c
D. none of these
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Random error

28. The mean of a distribution is 14 and the standard deviation is 5. What is the value of the coefficient of variation.
A. 35.7 %
B. 42.12%
C. 38.19%
D. 44.17%
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35.7 %

29. A. If a distribution is abnormally tall and peaked, then is can be said that the distribution is.
A. Lepto kurtic
B. messo kurtic
C. playty kurtic
D. none of these
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Lepto kurtic

30 Statistics deals with the study of.
A. Numerical
B. physical appearance
C. a and c
D. none of these
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Read Also >> Statistical Packages MCQs for Social Science

31. How many sampling error in Statistics.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
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32. When mean median and mode are concide then distribution is said to be.
A. Symmetrical
B. Skewed
C. Both
D. None of these
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33. Mode “ VARIABLE”.
A. A
B. V
C. R
D. L
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34. Types of moments.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
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35. Parameters of binomial distribution.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
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36. Mean is greather than median then distribution is said to be.
A. Positive skewed
B. Negative skewed
C. Symmetrical
D. None of these
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Positive skewed

37. p is a ___ .
A. constant
B. variable
C. both
D. none of these
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38. Blindness is a __ variable.
A. Constant
B. Discrete
C. Qualitative
D. Quantitative
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39. No. of leafs in the tree is _ variable.
A. Constant
B. Discrete
C. Qualitative
D. Continuous
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40. Intelligence data is said to be _ variable.
A. Constant
B. Discrete
C. Qualitative
D. Continuous
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41. Data of registered people in a city is called _ variable.
A. Constant
B. Discrete
C. Qualitative
D. Continuous
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42. Consumption of electricity _ variable.
A. constant
B. continuous
C. random
D. none of these
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