Psychology MCQs With Answers for Online Test

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Psychology MCQs on Applied Psychology is a branch of science that studies the behavior of living things. We have tried to present you with some important Multiple Choice Questions of Applied Psychology MCQs  with answers. We hope that our expectations will be met. And we will support this effort. If there is any mistake in any question, please let us know. Below are some MCQs in the category of applied psychology.

Psychology MCQs With Answers

1. Gender Issues In Psychology MCQs

Gender issues in psychology MCQs consists of the gender concerns related to the subject matter of psychology. Course Objectives are to understand reflect and critically evaluate basic concepts of gender issues in psychology , to help you better understand things such as how best to study for tests, how to read effectively, and how to remember difficulty to learn material.

2. Applied Social Psychology MCQs

Social psychology MCQs contains the concepts of social behavior, attitudes, social perceptions and various concepts related to social world.Course Objectives to  understand reflect and critically evaluate basic concepts of social psychology .

3. Clinical Health Psychology MCQs

Have a grasp over basic concepts and theoretical perspectives explaining health psychology. They will be able to appreciate the complexity of human physical and psychological relationships.They will be able to understand health Psychology as science and empirical methods used for understanding different aspects of human behavior.

4. Research Methods in Psychology

In Research Methods in Psychology MCQs Students will be able to understand basic concepts of research. They will be able to apply these concepts in applied research Methodology , Group Work , Presentations/Seminars , Quizzes , Assignment , Group Discussion .

5. Physiological Psychology MCQs

In this course is an introduction to physiological psychology MCQs . It will introduce students to the biological mechanisms that govern our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Specifically, this course will give students an overview of what is known regarding the biological basis of learning and memory, emotional responses, sensory perception, states of consciousness, addiction, psychological disorders, neurological disorders, and motor control. This course will initially provide basic information regarding the structure and functioning of the nervous system as well as basic information about genetics.

6. Paradigms of Psychology MCQs

  • Knowledge and guideline about the protection of research participants.
  • The reputation of psychology and psychologist.
  • Rules of conducting researches.

Read More >> MCQs On Psychology 

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Syed Ejaz Naqvi
Syed Ejaz Naqvi
3 years ago

Introduction of psychology is missing