Plant Anatomy MCQs With Answers 100+

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1. These are the only epidermal cells that contain chloroplast.

A. Guard cells

B. Trichomes

C. Root hairs

D. Both A&B

2. The xylem of Pine is arranged.

A. Horizontally

B. Vertically

C. Diffused

D. Both A & B

3. These leaves function as showy petals.

A. Window leaves

B. Bract leaves

C. Shade leaves

D. Spines

4. The root cap functions in the perception of gravity due to.

A. Mucilage

B. Nitrifying bacteria

C. Amyloplasts

D. All of these

5. The secreted salt solution of Halophytes contains.

A. Inorganic salts

B. Salts of Na+

C. Salts of Cl+

D. All of these 

6. The protoplast of the Latex is.

A. Living

B. Non-living

C. Living when latex forms

D. Non-living when latex forms

7. In one of the following families, epidermal cells are termed as long cells.

A. Astraceae

B. Graminae

C. Poaceae

D. Fabaceae

8. Which plant is not a Liliforms and shows diffused growth. 

A. Yucca

B. Dracaena

C. Agave

D. Palm

9. Another term can also be used for a meristematic cell is.

A. Fiber

B. Primordia

C. Initial

D. Ray

10. Undivided blades should be.

A. Arranged in whorls

B. Arranged oppositely

C. Arranged alternatively

D. Independent of arrangement

11. Cell division is at its peak, when it occurs.

A. Every 12hrs

B. Every 36hrs

C. Twice a day

D. None of these

12. Oil is secreted in the oil cavity with help of.
A. Cytoplasm
B. Cell membrane
C. Golgi complex
D. Plastids

13. This can be included in laticifers.
A. Alkaloids
B. Starch
C. Enzymes
D. All 

14. Epiblema originates from/as.
A. Outer most layer of cortex
B. Root cap
C. Both A & B
D. Protodermal cell

15. Root hairs can number over _____ of root surface.
A. 35000/mm2
B. 35000/cm2
C. 35000/m2
D. 1 Billions

16. These are narrow fibers.
A. Fibers
b. Fiber tracheids
C. Libriform tracheids
D. Tracheids

17. Conjunctive parenchyma is meant for storage of.
A. Food
C.Reserve food
D. Both  A & C

18. Leaves of Lilacs are.
A. Simple
B. Leaflets
C. Compound
D. Bracts

19. No further increase in cell size occurs when vacuoles occupy the volume.
A. 80%
B. 90%
C. More than 90%
D. Both B & C

20. Mucilaginous secretions are associated with.
C. Golgi complex
D. Golgi vesicles

21. These protect the dormant buds.
A. Hydathodes
B. Colleters
C. Cystolith
D. Osmophores

22. The length of the xylem vessels varies from.
A. 2-15m
B. 2-15cm
C. 2-15ml
D. 2-15lt

23. All tissues interior to the endodermis are collectively called.
A. Pith
B. Pericycle
C. Stele
D. Central core

24. Food storage roots are found in.
A. Cucurbitaceae
B. Brassicaceae
C. Malvaceae
D. Lilliaceae

25. A leaf is said to be sessile if it does not contain a/an.
B. Blade
C. Petiole
D. Stipules

26. Meristematic tissues are lumps of small cells containing _____ cytoplasm _____ large nuclei.
A. Large, proportionately
B. Dense, equally
C. Large, equally
D. Dense, proportionately

27. The oil used in the manufacture of candles is.
A. Olive oil
B. Safflower oil
C. Palm oil
D. Chicle

28. Elongated cells with tapering ends are.
A. Arenchyma
B. Medullary
C. Armed
D. Prosenchyma

29. Two adjacent tracheids have ____ pits.
A. Simple
B. Broader
C. Bordered
D. No pits

30. In tracheary elements parenchyma forms rows which are.
A. Vertical
B. Horizontal
C. Parallel
D. Perpendicular

31. Mucilage is secreted through.
A. Plasma membrane
B. Vacuoles
C. Exocytosis
D. Endocytosis

32. The division of Botrychium is.
A. Pteridophyta
B. Marchantiophyta
C. Charophyta
D. Angiospermea

33. A thin specimen layer should be allow to air dry before applying a stain is included in.
A. Dry mount
B. Wet mount
C. Section mount
D. Smear

34. Staining of phloem tissue can be done by using.
A. Temporary staining
B. Safranin method
C. Double staining
D. Fast Green method
35. The method used to suspend the specimen between slide and cover slip is.
A. Dry mount 
B. Wet mount
C. Section mount
D. Smear
36. The extract of the Canada balsam can be wiped off with cotton wool dip in.
A. Xylol
B. Ethylene blue
C. Eosin
D. Hemato xylina
37. This type of staining can damage the section.
A. Permanent staining
B. Temporary staining
C. Double staining
D. Safranin dye

38. Ducts formed after autolysis of entire cells are known as.
A. Schizogenous ducts
B. Lysigenous ducts
C. Resin ducts
D. Schizolysigenous ducts

39. Latex is frequently.
A. Colorless
B. Clear
C. Milky
D. Brown

40. Less number of parenchyma are found in.
A. Soft wood
B. Hard wood
C. Heart wood
D. Porous wood

41. The phloem of the angiosperm is composed of.
A. Sieve cells
B. Sieve tube
C. Sieve areas
D. Companion cells

42. This is not present in vertical system of phloem.
A. Sieve tube members
B. Companion cells
C. Fibers 
D. Parenchyma

43. Thebarks of the tree trunk or root are produced by.
A. Vascular cambium
B. Cork cambium
C. Phelloderm
D. Both A & B

44. All cells of procambium mature and develop into vascular tissue in.
A. Primary Growth
B. Secondary growth
B. Both A&B
D. None of these

45. Eccrine secretion is the type of.
A. Holocrine secretion
B. Mesocrine secretion
C. Granulocrine secretion
D. None of these

46. The types of leaves oftenfound buried in sand are.
A. Window leaves
B. Shade leaves
C. Reproductive leaves
D. Floral leaves

47. The parenchyma cells are usually produced in horizontal rows are.
A. Fibers
B. Rays
C. Sclereids
D. Vessels

48. Stem with long internodes that grows underground is.
A. Runners
B. Tubers
C. Stolons
D. Tendrils

49.These are directly associated with pollination process.
A. Extra floral nectaries
B. Floral nectaries
C. Trichomes
D. Colleters

50. The plants containing sieve cells only.
A. Angiosperms
B. Higher vascular plants
C. Lower vascular plants
D. Tracheophytes

51. A sheath of protective tissue around emerging shoot is.
A. Epicotyls
B. Primordia
C. Hypocotyls
D. Coleoptiles

52. The cambium which is present within the vascular bundle is.
A. Inter-fascicular cambium
B. Intrafascicular cambium
C. Fascicular cambium
D. Cork cambium

53. The species of flowering plants having insect trapping leaves.
A. 300
B. 400
C. 200
D. 150

54 .The cells are barrel shaped to cylindrical are.
A. Bundle sheath 
B. Chlorenchyma
C. Sclerenchyma
D. Spongy mesophyll

55. The glands which secrete salts directly outside are found in.
A.  Leguminaceae
B.  Astraceae
C. Poaceae
D. Malvaceae

56. The meaning of the Greek wordPherein is.
A. Fragrance
B. To bear
C. Odor
D. Containing

57. The parenchyma in fruits &flowers is.
A. Chromoplast
B. Armed
C. Conjunctive
D. Prosenchyma

58. In protoxylem of stem, near which portion the large amount of parenchyma is present.
A. Cortex
B. Pith
C. Away from center
D. All do not contain parenchyma

59 .The fusiform initials are.
A. Tall
D.Both B & C

60. The types of roots produced by Rhizome are.
A.  Aerial 
B.  Adventitious
C. Contractile
D. Pneumatophores

61. To what angle casparian strips surrounding the endodermal cell wall present to the root surface.
A. Parallel
B. Horizontal
C. Right angle
D. None of these

62. These havethick lignified walls & no living protoplast at maturity.
A. Vessel members
C.Both A & B
D.None of these

63. The roots produced from the lower part of the stem of corn are.
A. Aerial roots
B. Prop roots
C. Contractile roots
D. Tap roots

64. Plants which have the alluring glands are.
A. Halophytes
B.Insectivorous plants
C.Carnivorous plants
D.Both A&B

65. The cells dispersed throughout the tissue mass are.
A. Epidermal proper cells
B.Epidermal appendages
C.Unspecialized cells
D.Specialized cells

66. Why phellogen is simpler than vascular cambium.
A. Due to one type of meristematic cells
B. Due to one type of cork cells
C. Due to one type of initial cells
D. Due to one type of ray cells

67. In which of the following water storage roots are found.
A. Leguminaceae
B. Solanaceae
C. Cucurbitaceae
D. Rosaceae

68. The crystals are associated with ingrowths of cell wall are.
A. Lithocysts
B. Cystolith
C. Raphides
D. Styloids

69. The stomata found in Buttercup are.
A. Anomocytic
B. Anisocytic 
C. Pai-active
D. Dai-active

70. The cells prevent the back flow of the secretion are.
A. Epidermal cells
B. Endodermal cells
C. Secretory cells
D. Epithelial cells

71. It contains trichomes, guard cells and root hairs.
A. Ground tissue
B. Endodermis
C. Procambium
D. Epidermis

72. A tissue can be developed below the wounds is.
A. Callus
B. Rhytidome
C. Periderm
D. Both A&B

73. The process responsible for shrinkage of pith is.
A. Formation of secondary xylem & phloem
B. Lot of pressure on primary xylem & phloem
C. Both A&B
D. Cannot be determined

74. An external secretory structure is.
A. Osmophores
B. Colleters
C. Lithocysts
D. Oil glands

75. For preparing an onion slidean onion should be cut.
A. Into small pieces
B. Into halves
C. Into Quarters
D. Into fleshy scales

76. One of the following should be suitable for section mounts.
A. Vegetables
B. Fruits
C. Solids
D. All 

77. Cover slip should be put carefully on specimen.
A. To avoid over staining
B. To avoid folding of section
C. To avoid any air bubble
D. To keep specimen clean

78. Safranin dye is used for.
A. Hard tissue
B. Soft tissue
C. Xylem
D. Phloem

79. If you are given with a sample of pollen you use.
A. Dry mount
B. Wet mount
C. Section mount
D. Smear

80. One of the following can be used for whole mount staining.
A. Hemato xylina
B. Eosin
C. Borax carmine
D. Safranin

81. The following has a large nucleus.
A. Sieve cells
B. Sieve tube members
C. Sieve plates
D. None of these

82. The site of oil synthesis in plants is.
A. Plasma membrane
B. Cytoplasm
C. Plastids
D. Both A & C

83. Non-glandular trichomes are found in.
A. Buttercup
B. Cotton
C. Onion
D. Potato

84. Adventious roots develop is.
A. Axis of Embryo
B. Lower Nodes
C. Shoot system
D. None

85. Collenchyma is a tissue specialized to support.
A. Roots
B. Stem
C. Only young Leaves
D. Young stem & petioles

86. Cortex is only composed of.
A. Mesenchyma
B. Parenchyma
C. Apical Meristem
D. Cuticle

87. Epidermis cells,guard cells,trichome and hair are present on.
A. Endodermis
B. Epidermis
C. Cortex
D. Pith

88. Epidermis protect the inner part from.
A. Injury
B. Excessive Loss of Water
C. Infection of Microbes
D. All of These

89. Fiber associated with Phloem.
A. Wood Fibers
B. Bast Fibers
C. Hard fibers
D. Surface Fiber

90. In aquatic plants large cavity are present to give buoyancy.
A. Parenchyma
B. Sclerenchyma
C. Collenhyma
D. None

91. In dicot roots the pith is quite.
A. Developed
B. Reduced
C. Elongated
D. Shrunken

92. Lateral root orignate in.
A. Cortex
B. Endodermal Cell
C. Pericycle
D. Cork cmbium

93. Older meristematic tissue which lose the ability to divide and get differentiated into.
A. Parmanent tissue
B. Simple Parmanent Tissue
C. Complex Parmanent tissue
D. None

94. Plants grow in moist environment called.
A. Hydrophytes
B. Xerophytes
C. Mesophytes
D. None

95. Procmbium are.
A. Hook Like Structure
B. Clyindrical
C. Round
D. Ring like

96. Protoderm produce outer layer like .
A. Hypodermis
B. Cortex
C. Epidermis
D. Pith

97. The conducting elements of the Phloem are collectively.
A. Companion Cells
B. Tube Member Cell
C. Sieve Cell
D. Albuminous

98. The diameter of pit cavity remains uniform in simple.
A. Blind
B. Simple
C. Compound
D. Bordered

99. The entire shoot is flattened & leaf like in.
A. Cladophylls
B. Tendrils
C. Stolen
D. None

100. The main function of the Phloem in the plants.
A. Transport Minerals
B. Water Minerals
C. Sugar Transport
D. Both A & B

101. The word phyllos mean.
A. Shoot
B. Root
C. Twig
D. Leaf

102. They form the hard covering seed ,juice, wood, fiber and husk of coconut.
A. Asarenchyma
B. Sclerenchyma
C. Chlorenchyma
D. Chollenchyma

103. Which type of hair are present on epiblema.
A. Unicelluar
B. Multicelluar
C. Both
D. None Of these

104. Woody Plants are.
A. Perrenials
B. Annular
C. Biennial
D. None

105. Xylem & phloem are joined together on the same radius are called.
A. Conjoint vascular Bundle
B. Colleteral Vascular Bundles
C. Biolleteral Vascular Bundles
D. Radial

106. Borderdpits are found in.
A. Vessel Wall
B. Sieve cells
C. Compnion cells
D. Sieve tube

107. Water evaporate is inhibited by.
A. Guard Cells
B. Epidermal Cell
C. Companion Cell
D. None

108. In rib meristem cells divide in.
A. One Plane
B. Two Plane 
C. Different Sider & Plane
D. All Sides

109. Composed of following Epidermis, Cortex, Pith &Xylem, Phloem &Epidermis.
A. Root
B. Stem
C. Shoot
D. None

110. Stele studied by.
A. Jeighen
B. Jehnelle
C. Wilstn
D. None

111. Tendriles are modified leaflets which support.
D.Both A & B

112. Radial vascular bundles are the ones in which Xylem And Phloem occur an.
A. Same Radius
B. Alternate Radius
C .Xylem outside And Phloem Inside
D. Phloem Outside &Xylem inside

113. Gymnosperm  wood different from.
A. Root
B. Shoot
C.Angiosperm wood 

114. Secondary Xylem collectively called.
B. Leaf
C. Branch
D. All of these

115. Water evaporate inhibit by.
A. Guard Cell
B. Companion Cell
C. Epidermal cell
D. None

116. Phloem surrounded the Xylem are. 
A. Amphiribal
B. Amphvasal
C. Concentric vascular bundle 
D. Innes Cambium

117. Tracheids highest % in.
A. Softwood
B. Hard wood
C. Sap wood
D. Heart wood

118. Xylem fibre is.
A. Bastfibre
B. Wood fibre
C. Heart wood
D. Libriformfibre

119. Traceids differ from vessel in having.
A. Thick wall
B. Bordered pit
C. Presence of pitted end wall
D. Spiral thickening

120. Following is heavily lignifed, thick wall and pointed ends.
A. Tracheids
B. Sieve cells
C. Vessel
D. Fibre

121. Most distinct annual rings are formed in.
A. Tropical region
B. Temperate region
C. Arctic region
D. Equatorial region

122. Following is not a characterstic of heartwood.
A.Nonfunctional part
B.Tyloses are absent
C.Dark colour
D.Both a&b

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