Ethnobotany Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) With Answers

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 Ethnobotany MCQs

1. The Term Ethnobotany Was First Coined By___?

A. Sir Alexander Fleming
B. John W. Harshberger
C. C.J. Alexocuplous
D. J.W Webster

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  B. John W. Harshberger 

2. The Word ”Ethno” In Ethnobotany Refers To ?

A. Region- Locality- People
B. Culture
C. Civilization
D. All Of Above

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  D. All Of Above

3. The Concept And Idea Of Greeks That Walnut Could Be Used To Heal Ailments Of The Human Brain Is Known As ?

A. Doctrine Of Signatures
B. Doctrine Of Homeopathy
C. Doctrine Of Allelopathy
D. B And C

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  A. Doctrine Of Signatures

4. The Cereals Belong To The Family ?

A. Fabaceae
B. Poaceae
C. Solanaceae
D. Rosaceae

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  B. Poaceae

5. The Caryopsis Is A Characteristic Dry Fruit Of ?

A. Cereals
B. Pulses
C. Legume
D. Gram

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  A. Cereals

6. The Pulses Through Symbiotic Association With Rhizopbium Species Fix Nitrogen; The Rhizobium Species Belong To ?

A. Fungal Kingdom
B. Plant Kingdom
C. Bacterial Kingdom
D. Viral Kingdom

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C. Bacterial Kingdom

7. The Pulses Due To Symbiotic N- Fixation Have High Protein Content And Also Improve Soil Fertility. The Cereals Lack This Characteristic And Thus Are Called ?

A. Restorative Crops
B. Exhaustive Crops
C. Ameliorative Crops
D. Both A & C

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C. Ameliorative Crops

8. The Pulses Also Called Legumes Belong To The Family  ?

A. Poaceae
B. Fabaceae (Leguminosae)
C. Solanaceae
D. Both A & C

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B. Fabaceae (Leguminosae)

9. The Basmati Rice Is A Part Of Our Culture In Indo Pak Due to ?

A. Its Typical Aroma And Taste
B. Massive Cultivation
C. Massive Production
D. Cheaper

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B. Massive Cultivation

10. Basmati Relates To Its Typical Aroma And Flavour And Is A __ Word ?

A. Urdu
B. Punjabi
C. Sansikrat
D. Arabic

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C. Sansikrat

11. Which Of These Is Not A Cereal?

A. Gram
B. Rice
C. Maize
D. Barley

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A. Gram

12. Which Of These Is Not A Pulse?

A. Gram
B. Mung Bean
C. Peas
D. Rice

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D. Rice  

13. Amongst These Important Cereals are ?

A. Wheat, Barley
B. Rice
C. Maize
D. All Of Above

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D. All Of Above

14. The Fabaceae Family Due To Its Symbiotic Relationship With A Bacterium Fixing N2, Which Is Called?

A. Nitrobacter
B. Azotobacter
C. Rhizobium
D. None Of Above

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C. Rhizobium

15. The Wheat Plant Is Technically/Botanically Named as . ?

A. Triticum Aestivum
B. Oryza Sativa
C. Hordeum Vulgare
D. Avena Sativa

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A. Triticum Aestivum

16. The Scientific Name For Barley Plant is ?

A. Oryza Sativa
B. Triticum Aestivum
C. Hordeum Vulgare
D. Avena Sativa

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D. Avena Sativa

17. At Present About 60%Of The Cultivated Land Of The World Is Devoted To ?

A. Cereals
B. Pulses
C. Legumes
D. Millets

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A. Cereals

18. Millets Are Also Called As Small Seeded Cereals And Thus Belong To The Family?

B. Poaceae
C. Solanaceae
D. Rosaceae

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B. Poaceae

19. Nodules Are Present On The Roots Of Plants Belonging To The Family ?

A. Fabaceae
B. Poaceae
C. Solanaceae
D. Rosaceae

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A. Fabaceae

20. Soybeans And Groundnuts Contain High Level Of Amino Acids Due To Their Being Legumes Belonging To __ Family ?

A. Fabaceae
B. Cereals
C. Millets
D. None Of Above

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A. Fabaceae

21. The Oils Obtained From Plants Do Not Evaporate Or Become Become Volatile, And Are Such Called ?

A. Fixed Oils
B. Delicate Oils
C. Costly Oils
D. None Of Above

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A. Fixed Oils

22. Condiments Are Herbs Or In Parts, Single Or Mixed, Ground Or Such Other Form But Added To Food To Enhance Its Flavour, Taste At The Time _?

A. Serving On The Table
B. Before Cooking
C. During Cooking
D. Both B & C

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A. Serving On The Table

23. Tomato Ketchup Is A Kind Of __ ?

A. Spices
B. Condiments
C. Masticatories
D. Fumitories

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B. Condiments

24. Which Wood Is Quality Wise Is Considered The The Best For Paper Making?

A. Wood With Long Fiber/Xylem Tissues
B. Wood With Short Fiber/Xylem Tissues
C. Soft Wood
D. Hard Wood

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A. Wood With Long Fiber/Xylem Tissues

25. Nicotiana Tabacum (Tobacco) Belongs To The Family ?

A. Fabaceae
B. Poaceae
C. Solanaceae
D. Rosaceae

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C. Solanaceae

26. The Substances Which Are Used For Chewing Purposes Are Called ?

A. Fumitories
B. Masticatories
C. Spices
D. Condiments

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B. Masticatories

27. The Drugs: Codeine, Morphine , Noscapine And Papaverine As Obtained From A Single Species Of Family Papaveraceae Named….?

A. Papaver Somniferum
B. Nicotiana Tobacum
C. Atropa Belladona
D. Solanum Negrum

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A. Papaver Somniferum

28. The Drug:Ephedrine Is Obtained From Ephedra Sinica Belonging To Family ?

A. Papavaraceae
B. Solanaceae
C. Ephedracae
D. Rosaceae

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C. Ephedracae

29. The Cannabis Sativa : “Bhang” Belongs To The Family ?

A. Papaveraceae
B. Cannabaceae
C. Solanaceae
D. Fabaceae

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B. Cannabaceae

30. Which Of The Following Is Popularly Believed To Be A Remedy For Practically All Ills ?

A. Onion
B. Ginger
C. Garlic
D. Turmeric

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C. Garlic

31. The Drugs Quinine And Quinidine Are Obtained From A Famous Specie Of Family Rubiaceae Called ?

A. Cinchona Pubescens
B. Solanum Nigrum
C. Papaver Somniferum
D. Nicotiana Tabaccum

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A. Cinchona Pubescens

32. Which One Is Used For Ulcer Of Skin, Tuberculosis And To Stimulate Heart ?

A. Digitalis
B. Belladona
C. Atropine
D. Codeine

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A. Digitalis

33. The Study Of Medicinal Plants Is Called ?

A. Pharmabryology
B. Pharmamycology
C. Pharmacology
D. Pharmacognosy

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D. Pharmacognosy

34. The Most Durable Black Wood Is Of ?

A. Acacia Nilotica (Kikar)
B. Tectona Grandis (Sagwan)
C. Morus Alba (Toot)
D. Dalbergia Sissoo (Shisham)

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B. Tectona Grandis (Sagwan)

35. Scientific Name Of Ginger is ?

A. Capsicum Frutescence
B. Zingiber Officinale
C. Solanum Nigrum
D. Solanum Tuberosum

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B. Zingiber Officinale

36. Plants That Yield Fibers Occupy —– Place Of Importance To Food Plants ?

A. 3rd
B. 2nd
C. 4th
D. 5th

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B. 2nd

37. Silk Worm Uses The Leaves Of Which Plant As Source Of Food ?

A. Morus Alba (Mulbery)
B. Dalbergia Sissoo(Shisham)
C. Tectona Grandis (Sagwan)
D. Eucalyptus Spp

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A. Morus Alba (Mulbery)

38. The First Alkaloid Isolated In 1803 By Freidrick Adam Was?

A. Nicotine
B. Morphine
C. Codeine
D. Ephedrine

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B. Morphine

39. The Silk Cocoon Formation By Silk Worm Starts When It Enters The ?

A. Pupal Stage
B. Caterpillar Stage
C. Larval Stage
D. Moth Stage

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A. Pupal Stage

40. The Sericulture Industry Is Engaged In Producing _ Silk ?

A. Artificial
B. Natural
C. Industrial
D. Polyester

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B. Natural

41. The Main Nutritional Components Found In Cereals is ?

A. Fat
B. Protein
C. Vitamins
D. Starch

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D. Starch

42. Annual Leguminous Crops Are Also Called ?

A. Cereal
B. Pulses
C. Millets
D. Spices

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B. Pulses

43. Most Used Staple Diet By Many Countries is  ?

A. Wheat
B. Rice
C. Barley
D. Maize

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B. Rice

44. After Wheat 2nd Prominent Cereal is ?

A. Barley
B. Rice
C. Maize
D. Oat

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B. Rice

45. Porridge Is Made From ?

A. Wheat
B. Rice
C. Barley
D. Maize

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C. Barley

46. Cereal Used For Borrowing Of Fermented Beer is ?

A. Barley
B. Wheat
C. Rice
D. Maize

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A. Barley

47. Cereal Used For Tonics And Breakfast?

A. Wheat
B. Barley
C. Rice
D. Maize

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B. Barley

48. Which Of The Following Plants Are Worshipped In India And Elsewhere?

A. Peepal
B. Cynodon Dactylon
C. Tulsi
D. All Of Above

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D. All Of Above

49. Which One Is The Soybean Product?

A. Soya Milk
B. Tofu
C. Noodles
D. All Of Above

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D. All Of Above

50. Ethnobryology Is Ethnobotanical Study Relavent to ?

A. Bryophytes
B. Conifers
C. Fungi
D. Mycorrhizae

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A. Bryophytes

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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