Virology MCQs Questions With Answers for Online Exam

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1. The Shape Of Mump Virus And Herpes Virus Is.

A. Rounded

B. Rod Like

C. Bullet Shaped

D. Tadpole Shaped

2. In Bacteriophage, The Time Taken From Infection Until Lysis Is Known As.

A. Generation Time

B. Reproduction Time

C. Latent Period

D. All


3. Most RNA Viruses Develop Solely In. 

A. Cytoplasm

B. Organelles

C. Nucleus

D. Cell Membrane

4. ICTV Stand For.

A. Inner Cell Taxonomy Of Viruses

B. Imagined Cell Transverse Of Virus 

C. International Committee On Taxonomy Of Viruses

D. All Above

5. ETC Consists Of Carrier Molecules That Have Ability Of.

A. Oxidation

B. Reduction

C. Both  

D. None


6. Callose Deposition Occurs In.

A. Xylem Elements

B. Phloem Sieve Plates

C. Xylem And Phloem

D. All


7. Attractive Variegation In Flower Colour Is Called.

A. Stunting

B. Distortion

C. Ring Spotting

D. Breaking Of Flower Colour

8. The Most Common Proteins Of Virus Are _____ Which Is Responsible For The Viral Movement To Neighbouring Cells. 

A. Lysosomes Protein 

B. Movement Protein 

C. Histone Protein 

D. RNA Protein 

9. Plants Cannot Absorb Molecular N2 In The Atmosphere Because.

A. N2 Has Triple Bonds Making It Highly Stable

B. N2 Has Double Bonds Making It Highly Stable

C. Abundance In The Atmosphere Inhibits Absorption

D. None Of These

10. Time Interval Between Two Divisions Is.

A. Reproduction Time

B. Generation Time

C. Both

D. None Of These

11. Most Viruses Range In Between.

A. 10 Nm

B. 300nm

C. 400 Nm

D. Both A & B

12. Chief Method Of Virus Transmission Is.  

A. Seed Transmission  

B. Vegetative Transmission 

C. Mechanical Transmission 

D. Soil Transmission

13. Bennet Listed _____Virus Which Are Transmitted By The Seeds Of About 124 Plants.

A. 53 

B. 54 

C. 55 

D. 63

14. Structure Of Plant Virus, TMV, Was Demonstrated By.

A. M. Beijernick

B. F. Twort

C. W. Stanely

D. Lwanowsky

15. Under Ideal Conditions Bacteria Cell Division Occur Every.

A. 20min 

B. 30min 

C. 40min 

D. None

16. An Extra Chromosomal Piece Of DNA Is Called.

A. Sex Factor 

B. F Factor 

C. Plasmid 

D. All

17. Bacteria That Use Pentose Phosphate Pathway Are.

A. E Coli

B. Bacillus-Subtillus

C. E Faecalis

D. All

18. Factor Involved In Viral Movement Throughout The Plants.  

A. Transfer Factor 

B. Regulatory Factor 

C. Receiving Factor 

D. All

19. Alcoholic Fermentation Occurs In.

A. Amoebic Cells 

B. Prokaryotes

C. Muscle Cells 

D. High Eukaryotic Cells

20. Bacterial Fossils Discovered In Rocks, Dated From.

A. Jurassic Period

B. Cretaceous Period

C. Cambrian Period

D. Devonian Period

 21. In Bacteria Sexual Reproduction Occurs By.

A. Genetic Recombination 

B. Binary Fission

C. Both.                                

D. None

22. Bacteria Can Degrade.

A. Organic Compounds

B. Inorganic Compounds

C. Sulphates

D. CFC’s

23. Which Of The Gram-Positive Bacteria Is Workhorse For Fields.

A. Bacillus Tuberculosis

B. Bacillus Cocci

C. Bacillus Thuringiensis

D. None

24. Many Mosaic Viruses Are Transmitted Mechanically By. 

A. Wind And Rubbing 

B. Grafting 

C. Contact With Roots 

D. All  

25. Transfer Of Cell Free DNA From One Cell To Other.

A. Transformation 

B. Conjugation

C. Transduction      

D. None

26. How Many Atps Are Produced During Aerobic Respiration.

A. 36

B. 35

C. 34

D. 23

27. The Proteins Which Form Cellular Cytoskeleton And Are Responsible For The Transport Of Molecules Within The Cell, Are.

A. Coat Proteins (CP)

B. Movement Proteins (MP)

C. Actin & Myosin

D. None Of These

28. Callose Is A Bio-Molecule Which Accumulates At The Neck Region Of.

A. Phloem

B. Plasmodesmata

C. Sieve Elements

D. All Above

29. Flavoprotein Consists Of.

A. Haem

B. Flavin

C. Copper

D. All

30. Bacteria That Separates Fiber Of Jute Is.

A. C. Butyclicum

B. E.Coli

C. Cocci

D. None

31. All Ssdna Viruses Have Circular Genome Except.

A. Anellovirus

B. Circovirus

C. Herpisviridae

D. Parvovirus

32. Most DNA Viruses Assemble In. 

A. Cytoplasm

B. Organelles

C. Nucleus

D. Cell Membrane

33. Bacteria In Which Whole Cell Develops Into Resistant Body Called Cyst, Is.

A. Bacillus

B. Clostridium Spp.

C. Rhizobium

D. Azotobacter

34. Anabaena Is a.

A. Chemoautotrophic

B. Cyanobacteria

C. Blue Green Algae

D. Both B & C

35. Viruses Which Infect Vertebrates.

A. Parvoviridae

B. Circoviridae

C. Anelloviridae

D. Herpisviridae

36. The Most Complex Virus Can Encode ———- Proteins.

A. 50-100

B. 100-200

C. 200-300

D. 300-400

37. % Of Phospholipids In The Composition Of Bacterial Cytoplasmic Membrane Is.

A. 25-30 %

B. 20-30 %

C. 21-30%

D. 18-30%

38. Among The Arthropods Most Important Agents Of Spread Virus Disease Are In The Insect Which Carries The Disease Called. 

A. Vector 

B. Rf Factor 

C. Rf Vector 

D. None

39. Virus Moves In The Virions Due To _____ Derived From Golgi Apparatus / ER. 

A. Exosomal Vesicles 

B. Endosomal Vesicles 

C. Exsosomal Apparatus

D. NONE    

40. Protein, Which Is Responsible For Cutting The Sequence Of Specific Homologous Targets, Is.

A. AGO 1 

B. AGO 2 



41. Species Of Bacteria That Cause Disease In Plants Are.

A. 100

B. 223

C. 230

D. 200

42. Adenoviruses, Herpesviruses And Poxviruses Are Example Of.

A. Ssdna Viruses

B. Dsdna Viruses

C. Ssrna Viruses

D. Ssrna +

43. Tyloses Are Formed In. 

A. Phloem Elements 

B. Xylem Elements 

C. Xylem And Phloem Elements 

D. None Of These

44. Hair Like Out Growth On Leaves And Stems Is Known As.

A. Enation

B. Production Of Out Growths

C. Necrosis

D. None Of These 

45. How Many Co2 Molecules Are Used To Synthesize 1 Molecule Of Sugar In Calvin Cycle.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 1

46. The First Proof Of The Fungus As A Vector Of Plant Viruses Was Found In.

A. 1955

B. 1952

C. 1956

D. 1958

47. Cyanobacteria Contain.

A. Chlorophyll

B. Cartenoids

C. Phycobilins

D. All

48. Firstly, Bacteria Discovered By. 

A. Leeuwenhoek

B. Lwanoski

C. Harvey

D. Alber

49. Primary Stain, Which Is Used In Gram Staining Of Bacteria, Is.

A. Safranine Stain

B. Crystal Violet Stain

C. Both

D. None Of These

50. In Case Of Curd, To Remove Fats, The Smear Is Washed With.

A. Alcohol

B. Iodine

C. Safranine

D. Xylol

51. In Which Sterilization Method, Microbes Are Killed By The Oxidation Of Cellular Components.

A. Autoclaving

B. Radiation

C. Dry Heat

D.  Gas Sterilization

52. In Which Sterilization Method, Hydrolysis Of Cellular Proteins Take Place.

A. Gas Sterilization

B. Dry Heat

C. Wet Heat

D. Both B & C

53. The Method Used For Staining Of Capsule Is. 

A. Anthony’s Stain Method 

B. Leifson Staining Technique 

C. India Ink Method 

D. Both A & C

54. In Anthony’s Stain Method, The Primary Stain Used Is.

A. Safranine

B. Crystal Violet

C. Iodine

D. None Of These

55. In Anthony’s Stain Method, Sample Slide Is Rinse With.

A. Copper Sulphate

B. Alcohol

C. Zinc Sulphate

D. Hydrogen

56. In Pour Plate Isolation Technique, The Medium Is Maintained In Liquid State At.

A. 47oc

B. 46oc

C. 48oc

D. 45oc

57. Members Of Which Genera Have The Capacity To Exit Either As Metabolically Active Vegetative Cells Or As Highly Resistant Inactive Cell Types Called Spores.

A. Clostridium

B. Bacillus

C. Rhizobium

D. Both A & B

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