Important Mcqs On Plant Systematics for BS Botany

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1. Systema naturae a famous book was written by

A. G.G. simpson

B. Carlos linneus 

C. Fisher

D. None

2. Naming of living organisms is called:

A. Nomenclature

B. Classification

C. Taxonomy

D. All of above

3. Place of origin of angiosperm is 

A. Arctic

B. Pacific

C. Polar

D. Both a & b

4. Isoetes monocotyledonous theory was put forth by

A. Cambell

B. Engeler

C. Prantil

D. Thomas 

5. Saporta and Marion put forth theory 

A. Benetitalean

B. Caytonialeas

C. Pantoxylalean

D. Britanica

6. Sacrotesta is the feature present in

A. Isoetes 

B. Conifers

C. Pantoxylalean

D. Gnetales

7. Turn taxonomy was introduced to plant science by 

A. Linneus 

B. G.G. Simpsons 

C. A.P. Candolle

D. None

8. The word taxon was first used by …….  for plant group

A. Adolf Meyer

B. Herman j. laam

C. Both 

D. None

9. Four successive phase in classification of a taxom was achieved by

A. Davis

B. Heywood

C. Both 

D. None

10. Monoandria is the term used for 

A. One stamen 

B. One carpel

C. One Patel

D. One sepal

11. Kryptogamia is the term applied for 

A. Flower less 

B. Fruit less 

C. No pedicel

D.  All of these 

12. Bentham and hooker divided seed plant into …… orders

A. 201

B. 202

C. 220

D. 210

13. Major groups Thallophytes and Cormophytes were introduced by 

A. Robert Brown

B. A.P. Condole

C. Stephan Endlicher

D. Bantham

14. Who distinguished between gymnosperms and angiosperms 

A. Robert Brown

B. Bantham 

C. Hooker

D. Condolle 

15. Takhtajan system of classification is also known as

A. Natural system

B. Artificial system 

C. Modern system

D. None

16. Isolation is complete essential part of 

A. Loss of specie

B. Breeding

C. Replacement

D. Sustainability

17. Isolating mechanism is counted as

A. Intra barrier

B. Inter barrier

C. External barrier

D. Post barrier

18. Which are the causes of speciation

A. Geographical isolation

B. Spatial isolation

C. Reproductive isolation

D. All of these

19. Reproductive isolation includes

A. Prezygotic mechanism

B. Post zygotic mechanism

C. Both 

D. None

20. Habitat isolation is the type of 

A. Spatial Isolation

B. Postzygotic Isolation

C. Prezygotic Isolation

D. Ecological Isolation

21. Postzygotic isolating mechanism includes

A. Gametic mortality

B. Zygotic mortality

C. Hybrid sterility

D. All of these

22. Mechanical isolation is due to difference in

A. Genital organs

B. Morphology

C. Mutation

D. Reduction

23. Classification is needed for 

A.  Loss of data

B. Convenient study

C. Unnecessary data

D. None

24. Origin and evolution are determined by

A. Nomenclature

B. Fossils

C. Classification

D. Succession

25. Classification helps to develop………relation of groups

A. Phylogenetic

B. Superficial

C. Interspecific 

D. None

26. A positive predictive value is a …

A. Proportional Value

B. Deductive value

C. Divided value

D. None

27. An example of classifying is designating some papers as

A. Secret

B. Confidential

C. Loss

D. Both a and b

28. Variation the source of

A. Evolution

B. Development

C. Consistency

D. All

29. The variations that occur in graded series are called

A. Continuous

B. Non continuous

C. Both

D. None

30. The external factor for variation is

A. Light

B. Heat

C. Food

D. All

31. Triploidy is denoted by

A. 3n

B. 4n

C. 2n-1

D. All

32. Raw material for evolution is

A. Variation

B. Development

C. Speciation

D. All

33. Skin color in human is example of

A. Continuous Variation

B. Non continuous variation

C. Both 

D. None

34. Inflorescence of family Asteraceae is

A. Verticillaster 

B. Cyathium 

C. Catkin 

D. Capitulum 

35. Family Brassicaceae/cruciferae is characterized by 

A. Marginal placentation 

B. Parietal Placentation 

C. Basal placentation 

D. Axile placentation 


36. Peculiar feature in the ovary of Brassicaceae is presence of 

A. Parietal placentation 

B. False Septum 

C. Bilocular ovary 

D. Both A and B 

37. Scientific name of black mustard

A. Brassica Nigra

B. Brassica olerecae

C. Brassica bursa

D. Iberis amara

38. Wall flower, an ornamental and medicinal plant of Brassicaceae, is 

A. Brassica alba 

B. Cheiranthus Cheiri 

C. Lepidium sativa 

D. Matthiola incana 

39. Flower of Brassica is 

A. Incomplete 

B. Pedicillate 

C. Irregular 

D. Zygomorhic 

40. Roots of Asteracea family are

A. Fibrous root 

B. Tap root 

C. Root tubers 

D. Epiphytic roots 

41. Fruit in family Astereceae is 

A. Siliqua 

B. Nut 

C. Capsule 

D. Cypsela

42. Gamosepalus condition represents ……

A. Fused calyx

B. Separated petals

C. Fused corolla

D. Fused ovary

43. Capsicum annum belongs to family

A. Poaceae

B. Rosaceae

C. Fabaceae

D. Solanaceae

44. In floral formula “G” represents

A. Calyx

B. Corolla

C. Gynoecium

D. Androecium

45. Gum is obtained from

A. A.nilotica

B. A.senegal

C. Both

D. None

46. Corn has scientific name as

A. Zea mays

B. Triticum vulgare

C. Avena sativa

D. Oryza sativa

47. Sessile are called so for having no

A. Pinna

B. Leaf blade

C. Midrib

D. Pedicel

48. Which type of seeds of Poaceae family have

A. Endospermic

B. Exospermic

C. Thallus like

D. Conidia type

49. All the cereals and millets belongs to family

A. Solanaceae

B. Rosaceae

C. Poaceae

D. None

50. Fibers are obtained from leaves of

A. S.munja

B. S.sativa

C. O.sativa

D. Bambusa

51. Sugarcane belongs to family

A. Solanaceae

B. Rosaceae

C. Poaceae

D. None

52. A8 stands for

A. Many stamens

B. Many anthers

C. Alone stamen

D. None

53. Which family belongs to greatly cold regions

A. Solanaceae

B. Rosaceae

C. Poaceae

D. None

54. Cassia sub-family belongs to

A. Solanaceae

B. Rosaceae

C. Poaceae

D. Fabaceae

55. Inflorescence of fabaceae is

A. Racemose

B. Solitary

C. Both

D. None

56. C(4+5) shows that

A. Fused carpel

B. Fused calyx

C. Fused corolla

D. None

57. Legumes as fruits are characters of family

A. Solanaceae

B. Rosaceae

C. Poaceae

D. Fabaceae

58. Graminaeae family has _____ roots

A. Rough adventitious

B. Fibrous adventitious

C. Round true roots

D. Branched roots

59. Leaves of …… are used as blood purifier

A. A.catechu

B. A.sengal

C. A.nilotica

D. Albizzia

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