A. Last in first out
B. First in last out
C. Last in last out
D. First in first out
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Stack Data Structures and Algorithms: Last In First Out
A stack is also called as Last in first out data structure which represents an ordered list of items where items are inserted and deleted at one end called as top of the list. Stack data structure acts like LIFO (Last In First Out) principle which allows only insertion and deletion at one end unlike linked list data structure which allows insertion and deletion from any end of the list. It can be used as one-way communication channel between two threads or between two processes or as a dynamic memory allocation to store temporary data during program execution.
C++ STL Implementation of LIFO
LIFO, or last in first out, is a data structure commonly used to implement stacks. LIFO stores the most recently added item at the top of the stack so that when items are removed they are always removed from the top of the stack. This post will cover how to implement LIFO using C++ STL's priority_queue template class.
Python Implementation of LIFO
LIFO means last in first out. This is a stack data structure, meaning the last thing to be inserted into the stack will be the first thing removed from it. Imagine you have three stacks of boxes where each of the stacks contains five boxes.
Java Implementation of LIFO
public class LIFO {
public static void main(String
Swift Implementation of LIFO
With Swift we can start by implementing a Stack data structure. This data structure allows us to insert or remove items from the top of the stack using two operations, push for inserting an item at the top of the stack, and pop for removing an item from the top of the stack.