Arid Zone Ecology MCQs With Answers

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1.The equational representation of aridity is as following.


2.How much area of world is cover by arid land.

B.One third

3.Aridity is based on following factor.

A.Rainfall and temperature

4.TWhat is necessary for survival of plants in arid zone.

A.Dew and mist

5.Vegetation occurs in arid zone are.


6.Drought deciduous plants are biologically dormant during.

B.Dry season

7.. The equational representation of aridity is as following.


8.How much area of world is cover by arid land.

B.One Third

9.Aridity is based on following factor.

A.Rainfall and temperature

10.What is necessary for survival of plants in arid zone.

A.Dew and mist

11.Vegetation occurs in arid zone are.


12.Drought deciduous plants are biologically dormant during.

B.Dry season

13.Majority of plants in arid zone are.

B. Non-succulents perennials

14.Cuticularization the formation of surface plaster-like layer of.


15.Type of drought resistant plant is.


16.Leaves may be polymeric in .

Drought evading plants

17.The root system of Phreatophytes is.


18.Compound leaves commonly live for.

A.8-14 months

19.Stomata of CAM plants open at.

A.Night time

20.Microphyll, solar angles, solar tracking, leaf reflectance are the adaptations of.

Drought resistance plants

21.What is the predominant feature of arid land.

A.Water scarcity

22.Hyper arid zone covers total land area.


23.Trichomes help in.


24.Leaf type in drought resistance plants is.

C.Finely divided leaf

25.Biennials grow.

C.Once in two year

26.Typical example of avoidance is.


27.Distance from equator leads to.

B.Shorter rainy season

28.Major causes of desertification is.

D.All of these

29.Significant global ecological and environmental problem is.


30.Plays a huge role in desertification.

A.Climate change

31Water scarcity in dry lands limits the production of

D.All of these

32.More lands will be saved from desertification by.

A.Sustainable practice

33.At night the temp of arid zone neighborhood is.


34.The highest seed densities are associated with

A.Wind shadow

35.Seeds may remain viable for how many years under artificial conditions


36.Drought enduring plants are known as.


37.Having dominant role in semi-arid regions.

B. Shrubs

38.Xenomorphic leaves are characterized by.

B.Thick cuticle

39.ETP calculated by methods of penman, taking into account.


40.Soil is Sandy with.


41.Vegetation is sparse, limited with.

B.Low biomass production

42.Even in dry, semi-arid and temperate areas, seasonal rainfall of only.


43.Rainfall intensity relates to the risk of.

C.Soil erosion

44.Aridity means.

D.All of these

45. How much area of world is cover by arid land.

B.One third

46.Sedentary livestock occurs in.

D. Semi arid zone

47.Major causes of aridity is.

Both b and c

48.When rainfall occur in tropical climate.


49.Humidity in arid zone is.


50.Dew and mist causes in arid zone causes.

A.Higher humidity

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