C++ MCQs Question With Answers – OOP

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C++ MCQs on Introduction to C++ Programming language History of C++, Features of C++, basic structure of C++ program, Preprocessor Directives, Header Files, Main ( ) Function Problem solving techniques Program, Algorithm and Flowchart, Flowchart symbols and limitations, Problem solving techniques Program, Algorithm and Flowchart, Flowchart symbols and limitations, Characteristics Machine language, Assembly language, Objective language, Procedural language and non- procedural Language, Control Structure , Types of Control Structure , Sequential Structure, Selection Structure and Repetition Structure .

C++ MCQs  Statements, Token and whitespaces, Simple Programs, Language Processor, Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler, Source code and Object code, Debugging in Turbo C++ Syntax errors, Logical errors and Run-time errors, Identifier, Identifier types, Variables Declaration and Initialization, Variables Rules ,Integer overflow and integer underflow , keywords, Arithmetic Operators including different programs ,Scientific or Exponential Notations, Range and Precision with Examples Looping For loop, while loop and do-while loop Programs related to Relational Expressions ‘If’ statement and ‘if-else’ statement, Programs related to Compound Conditions AND operator (&&), OR operator (||), NOT operator (!), Arrays Advantages/Uses of Arrays and Initialization, Programs One dimensional Arrays, Two dimensional Arrays and Three dimensional Arrays,

C++ MCQs

% is an arithmetic operator called.
A. Divide operator
B. Add operator
C. Modulus operator
D. None of these
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Answer: C

……… data type is used to integers.
A. float
B. char
C. int
D. none of these
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Answer: A

Which statement is used to move the control to the start of loop body.
A. Continue
B. Break
C. Switch
D. None of these
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Answer: A

In the for statement this expression is executed only once.
A. Test
B. Validation
C. Initialization
D. None of these
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Answer: C

C++ has …… types of constant.
A. 2
B. 1
C. 4
D. 10
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Answer: A

Which of the following loop is available in c language.
A. While
B. Do-while
C. For
D. All
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Answer: D

An if statement within an if statement is called.
A. A nested if statement
B. If statement
C. Infinite if statement
D. While statement
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Answer: A

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What does the compound condition use to join two condition.
A. Relational operator
B. Logical operator
C. Relational result
D. None of these
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Answer: A

0 , 1, 2 and -23 are example of ….. data type.
A. char
B. float
C. int
D. None of these
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Answer: C

0.0 , 1.2 and -2.3 are example of ….. data type.
A. int
B. float
C. char
D. None of these
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Answer: B

What will the following code display. int n=0; Cout A. The number is 0
B. The number is=n
C. The number is = 0
D. None of these
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Answer: C

Another term for a computer making a decision is.
A. Selection
B. Repetition
C. Sequence
D. None of these
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Answer: A

Which programming structure executes program statement in order.
A. Relation
B. Repetition
C. Decision
D. Sequence
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Answer: D

Which escape sequence can be used to move cursor at the beginning of current line in C++.
A. \a
B. \b
C. \m
D. \r
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Answer: D

Which escape sequence can be used to display double quotes in C++.
A. \a
B. \p
C. \”
D. \b
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Answer: C

The data type that can handle decimal place is.
A. Long
B. Float
C. Char
D. Integer
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Answer: B

Which is true about a variable.
A. The name and data value can be change
B. The name can change but the data value cannot
C. The name cannot change but the data value can
D. None of these
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Answer: C

The processing of running an executable file is known as.
A. Debugging
B. Compiling
C. Executing
D. None of these
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Answer: C

Which term is commonly used to refer to software or program errors.
A. Crash
B. Down
C. Bug
D. None of these
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Answer: C

Which file contains the program after translation into machine language.
A. Object file
B. Source file
C. Exe file
D. None of these
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Answer: A

If a program does something different than thinking of programmer it is called.
A. Syntax error
B. Logic error
C. Program error
D. None of these
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Answer: B

Complier converts a program into.
A. Machine code statement by statement
B. Machine code as a whole
C. A and B
D. None of these
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Answer: B

Interpreter converts a program into.
A. Machine code statement by statement
B. Machine code as a whole
C. A and B
D. None of these
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Answer: A

Who developed C++.
A. Von-neumann
B. Al-khuwarizmi
C. Charles babbage
D. None of these
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Answer: D

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