Zoology Research Methodology MCQs with Answers

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Zoology Research Methodology MCQs on planning research, Various research methods. Analyzing results, giving reports, etc. Research process including; formulating research questions. Sampling (probability and non probability), Measurement (surveys, scaling, qualitative, unobtrusive). Research design (experimental and quasi-experimental). Data analysis. Writing the research paper. The major theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of research. Presentation related to the subject. Formulating research proposal and submission.

Zoology Research Methodology MCQs

1. A request for supporting the sponsored research is known as ?
A. Research presentation
B. Research methodology
C. Research proposal
D. Research submission
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C.   Research proposal

2. There are two types of presentation formats: oral and poster ?
A. true
B. false
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A. True

3. The presenter should stand the poster during display ?
A. Beside
B. Front
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A. Beside

4. The allocated width and height of poster is, width: 841mm and height: 1189mm ?
A. True
B. False
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A. True

5. The display period of poster presentation is about ?
A. 1-4 hrs.
B. 2-4 hrs.
C. 1-2 hrs.
D. ½ hrs.
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C. 1-2 hrs.

6. Poster shouldn’t fit within the offered area ?
A. True
B. False
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B. False 

7. The content of presentation is like manuscript submission ?
A. True
B. False
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A. True

8. At general level research has __________ steps ?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
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B. 3

9. An explicit statement of theoretical assumptions permits the reader to ________ them critically ?
A .Evaluate
B. Diagnose
C. Conclude
D. Prefer
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A .Evaluate

10. Having a theory helps you to identify __________ to the generalizations ?
A. Specify
B. Highlight
C. Understand
D. Limits
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D. Limits

11. In general, the liberal arts and humanities fields use___________ ?
D. None of these
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12. A good theory is of value precisely because it ?
A. Explain the meaning of phenomenon
B. Nature of phenomenon
C. Challenges of phenomenon
D. All of these
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D. All of these 

13. Ontology is based on____________ of reality ?
A. Types
B. Facts
C. Nature
D. Philosophy
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C. Nature

14. Ontology is classified on the basis of ?
A. Objectivism
B. Subjectivism
C. Both
D. None of these
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C. Nature

15. Epistomology is divided into which two aspects ?
A. Resource and feeling
B. Resource and search
C. Feeling and study
D. Study and search
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A. Resource and feeling

16. Interpretivism is a branch ?

A. Epistomology
B. Axiology
C. Positivism
D. Ontology

17. The core feature of realism is pertained to_______ the truth of reality ?

A. Limit
B. Highlight
C. Disclose
D. Conclude

18. 1st step at general level of research is ?

A.Collect data to answer the question
B. Pose a question
C.Present an answer to the question
D.Recognize a question

19. The research plan provides us to ?

A. Organize the ideas
B. Provide an inventory
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

20. Research objective should be ?

A. Clearly stated
B. Not clearly stated
C. Lengthy
D. None of these

21. The problem to be studied by the researcher must be ?

A. Implicit
B. Explicitly stated
C. Not clear
D. None of these

22. Each major concepts measured by the researcher should be in ?

A. Operational terms
B. Local terms
C. Scientific terms
D. None of these

23. In a research plan one should mention ?

A. Overall description
B. Method to solve to solve problem
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

24. The techniques that are to be used are mentioned in ?

A. Research design
B. Sampling
C. Research plan
D. None of these

25. Which of the following should be mention in research plan?

A. Instruments to be used
B. Conditions of experiments
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

26. Which of the following statement is Not true?

A. The facts should not be recorded in research plan.
B. Procedure of quantifying data should be written.
C. Clear mention of the population t o be studied must be made.
D. All are correct

27. If the study happen to be sample based then ?

A. Research plan should not state the sample plan
B. Research plan should state the sample plan
C. Should be clearly mentioned how to obtain the sample
D. Both B and C

28. Where do questions come from?

A. Curiocity
B. Casual observation
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

29. Exploratory research studies are also known as ?

A. Descriptive research
B. Diagnostic research
C. Formulative research
D. All are correct

30. If the same result can be consistently achieved by using the different methods under same circumstances, the measurement is considered reliable ?

A. Yes
B. No

31. A measure which produces similar results under similar conditions is said to have ?

A. Low reliability
B. Moderate reliability
C. High reliability
D. Very low reliability

32. In research the term reliability means ?

A. Repeatability
B. Dependable
C. Trustworthy
D. All of these

33. In a test-retest method, we have to repeat the measurements ?

A. Yes
B. No

34. When different people, give different results for the same measurement, it indicates ?

A. High test-retest reliability
B. Low test-retest reliability
C. High inter-rater reliability
D. Low inter-rater reliability

35. If a measurement is repeated, days, weeks, or months apart and gives the same answers, it indicates ?

A. High test-retest reliability
B. Low inter-rater reliability
C. High inter-rater reliability
D. Low test-retest reliability

36. While conducting a research, the participation of the participants must be voluntary ?

A. Yes
B. No

37. In a research all the information acquired from the participants could be accessed by anyone ?

A. Yes
B. No

38. Ways of classifying research design usually fall into—- ?

A. Two categories
B. Three categories
C. Four categories
D. Five categories

39. Experimental research design includes – ?

A. Hypothesis, variable & variables
B. Variables, data & analysis
C. Observation, theory & law
D. Hypothesis, law & variable

40. Attrition is — of participants during the course of study ?

A. Gain
B. Loss
C. Significance
D. Both A(Gain) & C (Significance)

41. Important distinction of quasi experiments is that they employ random assignments ?

A. True
B. False

42. There are — distinct types of validity ?

A. Six
B. Four
C. Eight
D. Five

43. Major types of Data Analysis are ?

A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six

44. Which analysis makes predictions about future outcomes?

A. Text analysis
B. Predictive analysis
C. Diagnostic analysis
D. All of these

45. Reports of experiments are published in the form of ?

A. Papers
B. Chapters
C. Both papers & chapters
D. None

46. There are how many parts of paper?

A. 10
B. 7
C. 4
D. 9

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47. Abstract is the short summary of the paper ?


48. Introduction of the paper includes ?

A. Background of the study
B. Rationale of the study
C. Clear hypothesis
D. All above

49. Introduction starts with ___________ ?

A. Clear statement
B. Broad statement
C. Comprehensive statement
D. Both B & C

50. Most straightforward section of the paper is_________ ?

A. Reference
B .Material section
C. Abstract
D. Introduction

51. Field Work describes_________ ?

A. Location
B. Description of irrelevant features
C. Both Location & irrelevant features
D. None

52. Results explain & justify the analytical approach of the paper ?


53. Results present the raw data necessary to answer the questions?


54. Abstract serves the function of_________ ?

A. Reference
B. Conclusion
C. Acknowledgment
D. Discussion

55. Technical & jargon term are abbreviated ?


56. References are listed_________?

A. Alphabetically
B. Sequentially
C. Chronologically
D. All of these

57. The number on the interval scale is scaled at equal distance and they have absolute zero point ?

A. Yes
B. No

58. Unobtrusive is a social research ?

A. Yes
B. No

59. The scientific method process begin with the formulation of ?

A. Hypothesis
B. Law
C. Both hypothesis and law
D .None

60. Hypothesis is an educated guess based on ?

A. Observation
B. Experimentation
C. Law
D. All of these options

61. The hypothesis is tested through?


62. After repeated testing and verification the hypothesis may be moved up to a ?

A. Theory
B. Research
C. Guess
D. None

63. In modern science the term theory means?

A. Scientific theories
B. Guess
C. Idea
D. None

64. A procedure design to test the hypothesis is known as ?

A. Experiment
B. Law
C. Idea
D. All of these

65. The two key variables in any experiment are ?

A. Dependent
B. Independent
C. Both dependent and independent
D. None

66. A statement that describe an observable occurrence in nature that appears to always be true is called ?

A. Law
B. Theory
C. Hypothesis
D. None

67. In science, sometimes a law is called a ?

A. Principle
B. Theory
C. Hypothesis
D. All of these

68. A scientific law can be changed after new discoveries ?

A. True
B. False
C. Both true and false
D. None

67. Which is important step to verify your results?

A. Repeating the experiment
B. Idea
C. Both option (a) and (b)
D. None

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Fizzah kulsoom
Fizzah kulsoom
11 months ago

The answer of 61 is given wrong.
The right answer is ( b) Research not Law.