Abnormal Psychology Easy MCQs With Answers for Online Test

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This Abnormal Psychology Easy MCQs will provide an overview of scientific study of mental illness. The course will cover the basic concepts, historical perspectives, different theoretical models, and assessment, diagnosis and research methods for studying mental disorders. Leading categories of mental disorders will also be part of this course.

Abnormal Psychology MCQs on Abnormal Psychology Past and Present , Research in Abnormal Psychology, Models of Abnormality(Biological and Psychodynamic) , Models of Abnormality(Behavioral, Cognitive and Humanistic) , Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment , Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment(Treatment),Depressive Disorders , Bipolar Disorders, Anxiety Disorders , Schizophrenia Spectrum and other Psychotic Disorders, Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders , Personality Disorders, Substance Related and Addictive Disorders

Abnormal Psychology Easy MCQs

Hearing voices that are not really there would is referred to as the following ?
A. Hallucinations
B. Illusion
C. Auditory regression
D. Delusion
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A. Hallucinations

Loss of interest or hypersomnia or significant weight loss is the symptoms of the following ?
A. Somatic disorder
B. Delusions
C. Major depressive disorder
D. Down syndrome
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C. Major depressive disorder

The term Catatonia can be used to define the following ?
A. Resistance to instruction
B. Maintaining a rigid Posture
C. Decreased in reactivity to the environment
D. All of them
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D. All of them

Person having following delusion may experience delusion that another person is in love with him or herself ?
A. Persecution
B. Erotomanic
C. Grandiose
D. All of them
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B. Erotomanic

In conversion disorder the following one of the symptoms should be found after appropriate neurological assessment ?
A. Psychological
B. Anxiety
C. Neurological
D. Both A and B
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C. Neurological


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False beliefs persist even when the facts contradicted them is referred to as the following ?
A. Delusion
B. Hallucination
C. Illusion
D. All of them
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A. Delusion

Entails over activity and inability to stay seated is referred to as ?
A. Aspergers disorder
B. Communication disorder
C. Stereotypic disorder
D. Hyperactivity impulsivity
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D. Hyperactivity impulsivity

The following one is not true for Major depressive disorder ?
A. Inflated self-esteem and grandiosity
B. Feeling of worthlessness
C. Restlessness or being slow down
D. Low mood
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A. Inflated self-esteem and grandiosity

The neurological disorder can be characterized by hyper activity and impulsivity ?
A. Fluency disorder
B. Down syndrome
D. None of them
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Auditory hallucinations are usually experienced as the following ?
A. Thoughts
B. Ideas
C. Voices
D. Perceptions
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C. Voices

Delusions and Hallucinations are the common features of following disorder ?
A. Somatoform
B. Dissociative identity
C. Schizophrenia
D. All of them
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C. Schizophrenia

Individuals in a manic episode exhibit the following ?
A. Decreased sociability
B. Increased sociability
C. Moderate sociability
D. No sociability
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B. Increased sociability

School avoidance that is also called truancy is common in following disorder ?
A. Conduct disorder
B. Social phobia
C. Social anxiety
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A. Conduct disorder

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder is common among the following one ?
A. Adults
B. Adolescents
C. Children
D. Adults and children
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C. Children

Who commonly exhibits more criminal or violent behavior in dissociative identity disorder ?
A. Males
B. Females
C. Children
D. Both male and female
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A. Males

Children having disruptive mood dysregulation disorder may also experience the condition below ?
A. Down syndrome
B. Severe irritability
C. Manic episode
D. Somatic disorder
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B. Severe irritability

Intellectual disability is common among individuals having the following behavior ?
A. Autism spectrum disorder
B. Alzheimer disease
C. Neurocognitive disorder
D. Self injurious behavior
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A. Autism spectrum disorder

The dissociative disorder is frequently found in the following population ?
A. children
B. Aftermath of trauma
C. adults
D. males
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B. Aftermath of trauma

Persistent sadness all the time refers to the following condition.
A. Impulsivity
B. Depression
C. Hypomanic episode
D. Anxiety
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B. Depression

People having the following one disorder worry about multiple events or activities.
A. Generalized Anxiety
B. Somatoform
C. Schizophrenia
D. All of them
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A. Generalized Anxiety

Disorganized thinking Hallucination Delusions is the key features of following disorder.
A. Somatic
B. Psychotic
C. Schizophrenia
D. Neurotic
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C. Schizophrenia

Fixed beliefs are called.
A. Hallucinations
B. Illusions
C. Perception
D. Delusion
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D. Delusion

Following factors contribute to the development of obesity.
A. Genetic
B. Physiological
C. Behavioral and environmental
D. All of them
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D. All of them

The following functioning can be impaired due to developmental deficit.
A. Personal
B. Social
C. Academic and Occupational
D. All of them
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D. All of them

The criteria to diagnose intellectual developmental disorder are based on the following.
A. Deficit in intellectual functions
B. Deficit in adaptive functions
C. Deficit during the developmental period
D. All of them
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D. All of them

This is NOT a type of eating disorder.
A. Pica
B. Anorexia
C. Dissociative eating
D. Rumination
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C. Dissociative eating

Person having Pica disorder can eat non nutritious food such as the following.
A. Soil and Chalks
B. Pebbles metal and gum
C. Paint charcoal and clay
D. All of them
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D. All of them

The following one is not anxiety disorder.
A. Separation anxiety disorder
B. Panic attack
C. Pica
D. Agora phobia
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C. Pica

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